Wellfleet operates a comprehensive PPO offering of student health insurance plans to the colleges and universities throughout the United States. Initially developed to increase quality of care and lower medical costs for our Student Health and Accident Plans, we expanded our services to accommodate our Employee Benefit Medical Plans. Wellfleet acts as the liaison for the carriers to the intermediary provider networks. Wellfleet has direct relationships with multiple PPO networks at both the national and state level, and utilizes these relationships to ensure plan members receive adequate and appropriate health care services.

Our Provider Relations Staff works diligently to assure that our customers receive the most comprehensive service.

To submit a PPO Pricing Inquiry or Appeal, scan and email all appeal documentation including copy of claim and EOB, to the Provider Relations email box at:

[email protected]

To find providers in one of the networks we work with, please click here

For provider questions that cannot be resolved by the network, to submit changes to your IRS W9 form, or to update your provider demographic information, email the Provider Relations team at:

[email protected] or fax to 413-781-1958.

Click here for a copy of the IRS W9 form and provider sheet. 

©2025 Wellfleet Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Wellfleet is the marketing name used to refer to the insurance and administrative operations of Wellfleet Insurance Company, Wellfleet New York Insurance Company, and Wellfleet Group, LLC. All insurance products are administered or managed by Wellfleet Group, LLC. Product availability is based upon business and/or regulatory approval and may differ among companies.